Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Removing Toxic Mold In Walls: The Hidden Enemy

!±8± Removing Toxic Mold In Walls: The Hidden Enemy

Growing up in a toxic form of the favorite spots are behind the wall. Unfortunately, it is hard to find toxic mold in the walls. How do you know if you have toxic mold in the walls, and what you can do?

Mold grows all over the world. And 'in nature is essential for the breakdown of dead material and recycling nutrients. Not as useful, if found in our homes, however, and may cause health problems from minor allergic reactions in very serious condition.

The best place toMold is growing in a moist, warm and dark. Therefore, the walls of your home are ideal. Mold can often grow up to be "hidden" places like this, and it is difficult to find and deal with it.

First you must decide whether you have a problem with mold. So the problem must be solved. You must take the claim form, and then measures to prevent the module from renewable sources. If you have mold in the walls, may be an indication that there is a problem in your waterHouse.

Finding Mold

If there is mold growing somewhere that is not visible, it is often the smell first. Mold has a musty, the smell of earth. You may also find that you have an allergy allergic, if you give your home, or certain parts of your home. This probably means that you have mold hidden somewhere.

Before you go poking around for mold, you need to realize that the form could disturb the spores are released. These spores can get into the air and cause healthProblems or impacts on other areas of the house.

If there is a water leak, or a part of your home where there is water damaged, you are certain mold. If you are unsure, you can call a professional. Hidden form is particularly difficult for homeowners to clean itself.

Cleaning mold

Clean up toxic mold in the walls can be a big construction job. For this reason it is best to consult a specialist. If you or some way to deal with toxicMold, you should always wear protective goggles and protective clothing. If you do not want the form to get in contact with anything else, including himself.

Looking for a specialist tool that has experience in cleaning mold. Check to see if they are in the form EPA guidelines, and those after, ACGIH American Conference of Industrial Hygienists.

It 'very important to clean up the mold quickly. The presence of water has caused damage to homes and property downValue immediately. The longer you leave the problem persists, the worse it will be the end to clean up, and will do more damage to your home.

Addressing the problem of water

If there is water or something wet in the house, they dry quickly. Make sure that the wetlands have dried completely. Water leaks in your home can come from the roof or gutters, so make sure you do regular maintenance in these areas.

Keep humidity in your home as low as possible. If necessary, purchase aDehumidifiers, sometimes running. This reduces the moisture.

Make sure that your home is a lot of outside air circulation and sunlight. It 'a good idea, the bathroom fan running frequently, as often as mold.

But above all, treat the mold problem immediately before things get worse.

Removing Toxic Mold In Walls: The Hidden Enemy

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Problems of uranium mining

!±8± Problems of uranium mining

Sterile waste

Even the highest grade uranium deposits less than 1%. Sun to process large amounts of minerals useful to obtain quantities of uranium. The remaining rock "waste" tailings is unknown. In the course of treatment is to provide a good powder, which is crushed, almost like the same radioactive uranium. It is dangerous to more than 250,000 years, which could be forever. These are separate from the sterile, to prevent an epidemic of cancer,and there are already more than 50 million tons of uranium tailings on Australian soil.

Radon Gas

Because uranium emits radiation, it becomes a new element, which in turn emits radiation and decays, and so on up to 14 steps to the end - after hundreds of thousands of years - will bring a more stable non-radioactive type. One of the elements on the path is radon, a radioactive gas that can travel hundreds of miles before they expire. MineWorkers and others who breathe in this gas installation risk of lung cancer and other lung diseases

Environmental pollution

Uranium mining is polluting the water, air and land with radioactive chemicals and heavy metals, which can never be cleaned well. Besides the risk of radiation, the extraction process is also associated with toxic chemicals, heavy metals and use large amounts of water. In the short term, uranium mine sites ruined the ecology of the region in whichIn the long term, pose a risk to a much larger area.

Health risks

The health risks of uranium mining are now fairly well known, though still challenged by aggressive mining. Together, the uranium miners suffer the maximum radiation dose for all workers in the nuclear fuel chain. The main problems are the inhalation of dust and radon gas, the alpha emitters released into the body where it can not hurt to leave the majority. Since the spread of pollution from minesfrom the mine site, the local population is on the outside to avoid contamination. While uranium mining in general, most allied with cancer, low doses of radiation is mixed in birth defects, infant mortality and chronic lung, eye, skin and reproductive illnesses.

Nuclear waste

There is a large amount of high activity radioactive waste from reactors is still vomited all over the world and there is no safe place for preparation. Pangea Resources was actually a plan to bring many of these wasteAustralia. Nuclear power plants generate this waste as a fraction of normal operation, but there are also risks of reactor accidents, the Chernobyl explosion in 1986 killed many people, spread radioactive contamination across the globe and forced the evacuation of the area permanently.

Nuclear Weapons

While mining companies do not like to admit it, which is developing a military nuclear technology in order to make plutonium for nuclear weapons. Thousands of theseThe weapons are still on the trigger alert ten more than 10 years after the Cold War, and are also gradually to new countries.

Problems of uranium mining

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Friday, September 16, 2011

The hidden dangers in the toxic household cleaners

!±8± The hidden dangers in the toxic household cleaners

It seems that every time the TV or open a magazine, what you see advertising, it is important to keep your house smelling fresh and completely sterile. To provide this level of bacteria and germs without results, the producers of typical household cleaners, some really bad chemicals. There is no great leap of faith to see whether these drugs are so harmful to the ', germs bacteria and pollutants in the home, they must alsoharmful to humans.

In fact, all buildings, no matter how clean can be, have some germs and bacteria are not harmful to us in any way. While appreciating the idea that should get rid of germs and bacteria will be sold at any price, there is no mention of the detergent manufacturers about the risks that are contained in their brightly labeled bottles, cans and boxes. The truth of the matter is that many of these products are just as dangerous to humans and pets in apartmentas they are very determined to kill the germs.

Advertising companies must do our fear of germs, the bad guys are not the chemicals used to kill the game. In addition to abstain, so that consumers know the potential damage lurking in the products, they tend to avoid even remember that some of the ingredients are carcinogenic compounds known.

He quit immediately after the First World War there were very few species of commercial or industrial insecticides,The pesticides and detergents are used, which means that only in recent decades that our bodies are exposed to these chemicals very dangerous synthetics. While the human body has amazing powers to protect itself, the toxicity of these synthetic compounds are able to process more of the body. The body of methods for the treatment of naturally occurring chemicals and heavy metals, has been around as long as we were, and the body time to adjust their era.

SyntheticChemicals mimic the body's metabolic functions, which represents a greater risk because the body thinks, then, that certain processes will happen if they are not. Many combinations of toxins interfere with the immune system and the ability to heal the body, resulting in increased frequency of unexplained illnesses. In addition, these chemicals do not break into and linger in the soil and food chain for years. A good example is DDT, which has been widely used inagricultural production to pests that were killing the grain food. While killing the parasites have poisoned all the other animals in the food chain, including humans. The impact and consequences of the use of DDT is still felt in many areas, although its use has been banned as a pesticide for many years.

Toxins in the closet

Detergents and have different combinations of chemicals listed. Many have some or many of theseharmful ingredients and do not know their toxicity ', when mixed together, but the suspicion that can lead to significant health problems. Most of these chemicals are harmful if they come into contact with skin or inhaling the fumes produced by these toxins. Children are much more likely to absorb harmful chemicals than adults and the results can be permanent for the child's health.

The most common household cleaners contain toxins, ammonia and chlorine. While they are properly registeredcleaning agents, but they are also known to cause significant health problems. Ammonia, usually in glass cleaners, the results in mild to severe headache is, while the chlorine tends to affect the respiratory system. Exposure to chlorine is used to carry in cough, pain in the lungs, shortness of breath, sore throat, eye irritation, rapid, shallow breathing and eventually collapsed lung and skin as the blue of oxygen in the blood. Bleach mixed with ammonia, creating achloramine toxic gas, respiratory problems and asthma symptoms similar results.

Similar to formaldehyde irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, but is also a suspected carcinogen and a very dangerous chemical. Formaldehyde is used in a variety of detergents, which are often very dangerous in combination with other chemicals in this list.

The next two chemicals can cause serious health problems. Both can cause severe reactions, vomiting, diarrhea includeand burns to the digestive system if swallowed or ingested chemicals. These two dangerous chemicals are hydrochloric acid and nitrobenzene. Hydrochloric acid is found in the bathroom and bath cleaner, as is usual in nitrobenzene furniture polish and floor treatments. Nitrobenzene exposure is also linked to birth defects and certain cancers.

Shiny silver and metal tend to petroleum distillates, which are known to cause both short-and long-term health problems areProblems. Long-term exposure leads to neurological problems, even if short-term debt affects the eyes and vision.

Phenol and cresol, which is often used as a disinfectant, dizziness and nausea.

This is only a partial list of harmful chemicals can be used regularly in the home and office. Some of the other ingredients through hoops to keep your cleaning products are nickel, chloroform, cyanide, mercury, methyl-ethyl-key tone, xylenes, dichloromethane,Chromium, cadmium, benzene, ethylene tetrachloride, trichlorethylene, methyl isobutyl ketone and toluene ketyone. Each of these alone or in combination, may cause irritation of the respiratory tract, skin, neurological and metabolic diseases, you probably do not know which products you have already said, are generally important to keep your environment safe.

Beyond the short-term effects of these compounds and chemicals, there is a cumulative aspect of its use. Toxic exposure, whichLevel of toxins in our bodies is a real concern, the greater the level of these toxins is a major health risk.

To make better decisions

There are ways to make better decisions, with cleaning products and still have a sparkling, fresh scent of home. Traditional cleaning products for centuries before the invention of these harmful chemicals used excellent, environmentally friendly options. Lemon juice and vinegar works well as a clean and removes germs andOdors. Fresh air and sunlight is also a good way to neutralize odors and to avoid adding chemicals to the air you breathe. Remember that some germs and bacteria significantly to a normal immune system, which is especially important when children grow and develop for development.

Another important aspect is to get your daily health regimen of products that help the body process and remove toxins that have accumulated bonus. A product on the market that can onlyThis is of course Cellular Defense zeolite.

Should "Since record chemical and the toxin can not be avoided, and because the accumulation of these toxins are definitely affect the health, I believe that the use of a chelating and detoxifying agents such as activated liquid zeolite is a: A. Stewart , MD Lonky said, part of the daily intake of all. There is no better gift you can give yourself and your loved ones. "

Zeolite Natural Cellular Defense removes heavy metals andThe toxins from the body safely and effectively.
It 'also possible to link the levels of pH balance, viral sub-particles to improve metabolic function and nutrient absorption, soothe indigestion, increase body resistance against diseases, to improve blood sugar regulation and improved immune function.

For more information about liquid activated zeolite details below.

Written by Caroline Nettle

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The hidden dangers in the toxic household cleaners

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

California Air Quality extra protection

pollutioncontrol.free care.info California-health-protective air quality in more for the Bush administration was told by the Environmental Protection Agency that California should be allowed to tougher laws, California's air quality are set by the federal government to protect. President Bush does not agree with this statement. His belief is that there should be an equivalent national standard. Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California, examinedas she calls it an attempt by President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to cover the threat of global warming. Informer The committee was appointed by a whistleblower Jason Burnett, Stephen Johnson, administrator of the EPA visited the White House tightening last year with a plan to grant an exception to the laws of California air quality in California says. Surrender This waiver would set in California, California air-quality standards tougher protection for a period of years. Bush has doneclear, the EPA administrator that he would prefer a national standard. Johnson later denied the request of California for stricter laws on air quality in California. Johnson Johnson said that there is nothing special in California to support the waiver for stricter laws on air quality in California and that his decision was made independently. Administration The administration has every request for documents and email by Boxer and others in the course of his investigation is denied. Boxer wants to take an item from its...

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Radon Gas Properties

!±8± Radon Gas Properties

Radon is a radioactive gas, the health risks annoying, if you were in high concentrations in the atmosphere. But it is naturally present in relatively small quantities in the atmosphere, which are harmless. This gas is odorless, colorless and therefore very difficult to see with our natural senses. This makes it easier for them to earn at home in places such as basements or low-living spaces.

At room temperature it is generally difficult to transform into a bright yellow color under fluorescentFreezing of liquid and when it turns red-orange. In general, the concentration of radon is higher in groundwater and soil. It finds its way into our homes through cracks or openings on the ground longer in cellars and continues to accumulate. In essence, you may not notice its presence until it is very toxic due to cut health problems like cancer or even death.

The dangers of radon than many were unknown before the mid-80s and there wasdiscovered to be a threat to our homes. The high radiation exposure of a nuclear power plant in Limerick Pennsylvania were actually triggered by the presence of this gas in the area. This concentration has been to compare the effects of smoking over 130 cigarettes a day.

Did you know that something as simple as a soak in the hot spring can actually make this gas? Well, as crazy as it seems, is the simple truth. Countries such as Germany, Japan or the United States are the main sites ofRich in radio sources may expose this hot gas. Basically, keep checking this gas is often actually be the best way to combat it.

Radon Gas Properties

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Septic systems and groundwater

!±8± Septic systems and groundwater

Septic systems can be a threat to the quality of groundwater and health problems if not properly maintained. The water may contain discharged at the bottom of a septic system, nitrates and phosphorus, the groundwater and contaminate nearby surface waters, lakes, rivers and streams.

Houses that are not connected to municipal sewer systems need a place for their wastewater discharge. This is achieved through the construction of a septic system, which consists of a septicTank and drainage field. The water of the first to add a pool house, where they are separate solids from liquids drained. In the process of separation, increased fat storage in the top of the liquid and solid heavier on the bottom. The fat and other solids lighter to stay floating on top of the tank clean, and most of the heavier solids are decomposed by bacteria, the other, which do not decompose even get pumped at the time of a tank cleaning. When the tank fills up and the 'Separation process is completed, the water that comes out of a tank outlet flap, exhaust is a field on their property, built in stone and pipes, or other methods, such as dry wells, galleries or intruders.

The water enters the drainage seeps into the ground and, finally, in a land-source evaporates or is absorbed by plants. These are natural methods of reclamation, occur when a septic system works properly.

TheContamination of natural waters, groundwater and surface water from a septic system can be made from a variety of reasons. The poor positioning of a drain field can supply the water, which so far only partially addressed in a water source, may allow poorly designed irrigation fields of the raw water to escape before the treatment is completed. Clogged pipes can cause raw sewage overflows and surface patterns can be developed at a very high groundConcentration of wastewater in a particular area is limited so that creeps to the surface and flow directly into surface water sources.

Septic systems are a major source of groundwater pollution that leads to outbreaks of waterborne diseases, along with health problems. Bacteria, protozoa and viruses that are in the waste water can cause a variety of medical illnesses, including gastro-intestinal diseases, cholera, hepatitis A and typhoid.

The correctMaintenance of a septic system is very important in preventing contamination of groundwater, along with watching for signs of failure due to other causes.

Septic systems and groundwater

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

How can I remove fluoride from drinking water and shield itself from risks to health

!±8± How can I remove fluoride from drinking water and shield itself from risks to health

That's the way learn how to remove fluoride from drinking water. But first, let us know your reasons for wanting to try.

In some parts of the country, the concentration in groundwater is too high. The most common threat to the consumption of discolored teeth. The most dangerous and painful is the loss of bone. There is reason to believe that the connection to play a role in Alzheimer's disease and other diseases. But this has not been tried.

And 'wellknown that fluoridation prevents tooth decay. But many dentists say it's in your toothpaste and always adequate in-office treatments. They say its presence in treated tap water public is not able to benefit.

If you do it from a public treatment plant and want to know how to remove fluoride from drinking water, you should really be more worried about other toxic substances. While long-term health risks associated with consumption of small amounts of the mineralunknown, the risks of exposure to low levels of lead, parasitic cysts, and small chemical carcinogens are well known. These impurities are often treated in public procurement.

The fact is that if you have it from a public treatment plant, you definitely need a home air purifier. One is to seek a multi-stage selective filtration device. It will do the job better.

Reverse osmosis is ineffective in reducing contaminants as common today. Worksmostly of particles such as silt and salt. Other solutions include creating affordable and effective.

If you have a private well and found that the levels of pollutants are dangerously high, you need a filter system containing activated alumina. You are in areas where fluoride is a known issue too.

Here is how to remove fluoride from drinking water to the experts. It is said that coal grain works about as good as somethingother than activated alumina. The granular carbon systems are accessible. The multi-stage selective filtration devices described above are in step.

Activated alumina is very expensive. There is reason to believe that aluminum could be almost as damaging as the other metal. Do you want so if you need this option, you will have another step to make sure that the clay does not get the tap water.

This is the way to safely remove fluoride from drinking water. In addition, agood home air purifier you can drink with confidence.

How can I remove fluoride from drinking water and shield itself from risks to health

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Free Radon Test Kit

!±8± Free Radon Test Kit

We all love the convenience of low-floor living area. Some of us walk our cellars in theaters or halls. However, many fall victims of poisoning radon. And 'possible to have fun in the cellar without this radioactive gas to worry, all you have to do what you ask, a crucial step, the local authorities for a radon test kits free of charge. This kit will help you know the levels of radon in your home.

Although the kit is free, is designedunder close surveillance by the health department of the government and you should not doubt or underestimate the functions. In fact, they are a part of the national program can be activated to prevent lung cancer from radon. However, not every time a free radon test kit will be offered free of charge, sometimes you can buy the kit, while the distribution and laboratory analysis will be free.

To check the obvious places, in the basement. This is usually because radonenter our homes in two ways: through the soil, usually through cracks in floors and walls of the small base area and the basement and the second way through the water we use. That is always the case, we should free radon test kit for the areas to be used in direct contact with the ground.

Experts recommend that the test was run in every season and every season. However, the possibility of radon is much higher in winter than in summer. Basically, what happensis that unlike in summer, in winter we closed our doors and then to maintain the possibility of accumulation is much higher. The only solution to avoid this gas, sealing cracks, etc.

Free Radon Test Kit

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