Sunday, October 30, 2011

Effectively Remove Contaminants, Including Radon From Your Water Supply

!±8± Effectively Remove Contaminants, Including Radon From Your Water Supply

Water is the most precious and vital resource on earth. All living organisms need clean water in order to sustain life. But what can be done if our water supply becomes contaminated with dangerous poisons and toxins? The best and safest way to deal with this impending problem is through filtration. However, not all water filtration systems work in removing all contaminants. The most common filtration methods for removing harmful contaminants from water are reverse osmosis, granular activated carbon and carbon block filters (GAC), and kinetic degradation fluxion (KDF).

Granular Activated Carbon and Carbon Block Filters

Carbon has long been used to absorb impurities and is considered the most powerful absorbent known to man. An electro-positive charge is added to activate carbon, which allows it to attract more chemicals and impurities. For in home use, activated carbon filters contain either granular activated carbon (GAC) or powered block carbon. Both are effective, but carbon block filters remove more contaminants. Keep in mind two important factors when looking for quality water systems. The amount of carbon in the filter (the more the better), and the amount of time the carbon spends with the water (the slower the flow rate the more contaminants are removed).

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is the most common water treatment system for eliminating contaminants from water. It is widely used by most bottled water companies. This system is able to remove the smallest of dangerous particles from water, but even this system uses GAC filters for complete contaminant removal.

Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (KDF)

Kinetic Degradation Fluxion is a copper-zinc formulation that uses a chemical process called redox (oxidation/reduction). This process removes chlorine, mercury, hydrogen sulfide, lead and iron from water. KDF is often used in conjunction with other technologies, mostly carbon. This system is most effective in handling the higher water temperatures of showers.

The following is a list that contains a few common water contaminants that are found in public and private water supplies across the U.S. And Canada. We will discuss how each system works on contaminants. Should you suspect levels of contamination in your home water or air supplies, have them tested by an accredited lab.
Radon is a odorless, colorless, water-soluble gas that naturally occurs from the decay of radium. When radon breaks down or "decays," it forms others chemicals. Radon is a well known cancer-causing chemical and all 50 states have tested positive for high levels of this. If your home has granite, volcanic rock or sedimentary rocks containing phosphate products like counter tops, it may be a good idea to have the air quality in your home checked.

The most effective way to remove radon from your water supply is through granular activated carbon using carbon block filters.
Chlorine is a disinfectant used in municipal water plants to kill bacteria. The problem is that when chlorine reacts with organic materials in the water, it creates chloroform and other harmful by-products which have been strongly linked to cancer. Along with drinking this water, our bodies absorb chlorine through the skin when we shower. This is compared to drinking up to ten glasses of tap water in one setting and by using hot water, pores of the skin dilate, allowing chlorine and other free radicals to be absorbed quickly.

The most effective way to remove radon from your water supply is through granular activated carbon using carbon block filters and kinetic degradation fluxion.
Arsenic is a chemical found naturally in rocks and soil and water becomes contaminated when it touches these rocks and soil. At high levels of exposure, arsenic is a well known carcinogen and have been associated with diabetes.

The most effective way to remove mercury from your water supply is through reverse osmosis.
Mercury is considered a heavy metal, like copper, iron and lead and these are dense, metallic elements. The problems that mercury causes are not with water supplies itself because of its low levels, but when certain bacteria transform mercury to methyl mercury, concentrated levels of this chemical come up through the food chain which can cause malformations.

As you can see, filtering water is the safest way to keep harmful contaminants out of the body. Even though our bodies have built-in filtering systems, we're just not made to process these and other toxins without grave consequences. And with the recent devastation in Japan, the world over needs better ways to improve the quality of our water and air supply.

Effectively Remove Contaminants, Including Radon From Your Water Supply

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Protect Your Property From Radon Gas

!±8± How to Protect Your Property From Radon Gas

There are many statistics that come out every year about the dangers of emissions of gasses that have no smell or colour, and that come into homes from under ground. Some are potentially harmless but it is gasses like radon gas that can cause illness and death when breathed in for varying amounts of time.

The effects of Radon gas are becoming increasingly publicised to help people become aware of the dangers that, without knowing, inhaling this gas over a long time can cause. The inhalation of Radon Gas is the second highest cause of lung cancer after smoking, so it is a serious issue that awareness has to be raised for so action can be taken.

What Causes Radon Gas?

Radon gas is produced by the decay of uranium in the ground. Although it is a naturally produced gas, it has deadly effects if high concentrations are consumed. It is likely that there may be emissions of the gas intruding into your property because the gas is present in rocks and soil, however in low concentrations it can be relatively harmless. However, properties that have rooms directly in contact with the ground, such as basements, may be more at risk of containing the gas, so now there are solutions to this problem if this is the case for your property.

Protecting Your Property:

There are many ways of protecting your building against Radon gas intrusion whether it is a new or old build. There are maps provided by the Health Protection Agency and BRE that shows the areas that are highly affected by Radon gas due to the geology of where you building is located.

New properties located in areas where low concentrations are predicted to be found can have basic protection installed, which consists of a radon barrier (also know as radon membrane) being installed beneath the building.
Those that are in areas predicted to have high radon concentrations will be in need of full protection so ventilation will need to be built, for example through the use of block and beam flooring, as well installation of a radon barrier. Older buildings may not be able to have this ventilation system, so therefore a sump will need to be included under the building as well as the radon barrier.

Because of the seriousness of the effect of radon gas, any radon gas prevention work must be carried out by professionals. Many cases have been found whereby work carried out has been insufficient and radon has been allowed to enter a property, potentially causing the occupants to suffer from the effects of radon gas.

How to Protect Your Property From Radon Gas

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mold Removal - Important Things To Know Before Risking Your Family's Health

!±8± Mold Removal - Important Things To Know Before Risking Your Family's Health

Depending on the type of mold you are dealing with, and where it is located, mold removal can be a straightforward or tricky problem. Mold can sometimes grow in hidden areas, and before it can be removed it must be tracked down through investigation or mold testing. Often it is behind walls, under carpets or in other inaccessible areas, which makes the task of removing it that much more difficult. If it is a particularly dangerous type of mold, such as Stachybotrys, or black mold, then removing it is a job best left to professionals. Improper handling of black mold can cause the spores to become airborne, and possibly be breathed in by you or a member of your family.

Before mold can be removed, the source of moisture that the mold thrives on must be stopped. Otherwise, the mold removal process will be in vain. Roof or plumbing leaks are often the culprit, and these must be repaired. If the event was a flood, then often the process is to cut away the affected areas of wallboard, carpet, paneling, etc. The area should be dried with a dehumidifier or heat source. The use of high powered fans is not encouraged as these can lift the spores and spread them throughout the home. If the source of moisture is condensation, the solution is more complex, as this is a recurring problem that needs to be solved before the mold can be tackled. Sometimes it can be an improperly tuned air conditioning system that needs to be adjusted.

Many surface molds that grow in showers and around bathrooms can be dealt with easily with a simple bleach solution or any number of anti-mold products on the market. If the mold growth is extensive, it is a good idea to wear a respirator, preferably with a HEPA filter, when working on the mold. Most commercial mold killer products are spray on types, and after the application the mold should be scrubbed, with care taken not to breathe in the spores.

Stachybotrys, however, is another matter. This mold is considered dangerous, as exposure to its spores has been known to cause serious respiratory problems for some, particularly those with a depressed immune system. This mold grows mostly on cellulose type material, including wood and wallboard, which is why it often thrives in a modern home. Mold removal professionals treat black mold as an environmental hazard. When doing a cleanup, they will wear masks and sometimes full bio suits, and will generally put up plastic sheeting to prevent the spores from spreading. Wallboard, carpet and paneling is usually completely removed, and the remaining wood studs are sprayed with a powerful chemical agent. The mold is scrubbed off, and special vacuums with HEPA filters are used to clean up the remaining residue. Sometimes, air purifiers are then run in the household for several days to clean up the air in the home.

Controlling the humidity level in a home is the key to preventing recurring mold problems. Leaks and floods will happen from time to time, but if the problem is caught right away then the area will dry out before the mold has a chance to grow. But persistent humidity, even from such seemingly minor things as 'pipe sweat' or steam condensation, can allow mold to grow. The use of dehumidifiers is recommended, and where possible, opening windows to let moisture out (if the outside air is dry).

Professional mold removal is an expensive proposition for most homeowners. However, mold growth left unchecked can lead to serious health consequences for you and your family. It is important to treat the problem of mold as a very serious one, and to take the right steps in eradicating it from your home. The implications for your health are too serious to ignore. If you suspect you may have a mold problem in your home, then get mold testing done and if needed, professional mold removal. The benefit to your health will be well worth it.

Mold Removal - Important Things To Know Before Risking Your Family's Health

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cleaning Tips - Best Products to Remove Mold

!±8± Cleaning Tips - Best Products to Remove Mold

A Mold Removal Recipe Can Help This Problem

Mold is a very real problem for many home at some stage. A mold removal recipe can help to clean up your home. There are many recipes around for dealing with this problem. There are some that rely on natural ingredients and which are very safe to use. These would be ideal if you only have a small amount of mold to deal with or if you have children or pets at home.

One natural method is to use neat vinegar, This should be sprayed on the affected area and left to stand for a couple of minutes after which the area can be wiped clean. To keep the mold at bay then try spraying areas which are at risk of becoming moldy with a solution of vinegar and water every week. Diluted grapefruit extract also works well if sprayed onto the mold and left to dry.

A more forceful recipe includes the use of bleach. This should be diluted with water and sprayed on the moldy area. It should then be left to soak for a few minutes before being scrubbed off. This can be repeated if necessary. If you want to give it a really thorough scrub then try using a paste made of vinegar and salt.

Mold is not just nasty to look at but can also create health problems such as wheezing, sneezing, asthma and sinusitis. It is also associated with sick building syndrome and so its important to treat it as soon as you see it.

A major cause of mold is trapped moisture. It used to be that houses let the air circulate freely as the windows and doors did not fit properly and few people had fitted carpets. Nowadays the emphasis is on being energy efficient and keeping houses tightly sealed. If you think that some of your rooms may be damp then placing a cat litter tray near the damp can help to absorb the excess moisture.

There are mold test kits on the market that can tell you if your home is moldy. Once you have the facts then you can eliminate the problem. It is worth doing a simple test if you suspect that your home may suffer from damp before you start to suffer from ill health.

There are different types of mold, such as black mold and toxic mold. Black mold detection kits are readily available on the market and are very straightforward to use. Black mold can be toxic but this is very rare, and it is far more likely to be just black mold. When clearing up patches of mold care should be taken not to disturb the spores. If they are disturbed then be very careful not to breathe them in as they are harmful.

Cleaning Tips - Best Products to Remove Mold

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