Water is the most precious and vital resource on earth. All living organisms need clean water in order to sustain life. But what can be done if our water supply becomes contaminated with dangerous poisons and toxins? The best and safest way to deal with this impending problem is through filtration. However, not all water filtration systems work in removing all contaminants. The most common filtration methods for removing harmful contaminants from water are reverse osmosis, granular activated carbon and carbon block filters (GAC), and kinetic degradation fluxion (KDF).
Granular Activated Carbon and Carbon Block Filters
Carbon has long been used to absorb impurities and is considered the most powerful absorbent known to man. An electro-positive charge is added to activate carbon, which allows it to attract more chemicals and impurities. For in home use, activated carbon filters contain either granular activated carbon (GAC) or powered block carbon. Both are effective, but carbon block filters remove more contaminants. Keep in mind two important factors when looking for quality water systems. The amount of carbon in the filter (the more the better), and the amount of time the carbon spends with the water (the slower the flow rate the more contaminants are removed).
Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis is the most common water treatment system for eliminating contaminants from water. It is widely used by most bottled water companies. This system is able to remove the smallest of dangerous particles from water, but even this system uses GAC filters for complete contaminant removal.
Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (KDF)
Kinetic Degradation Fluxion is a copper-zinc formulation that uses a chemical process called redox (oxidation/reduction). This process removes chlorine, mercury, hydrogen sulfide, lead and iron from water. KDF is often used in conjunction with other technologies, mostly carbon. This system is most effective in handling the higher water temperatures of showers.
The following is a list that contains a few common water contaminants that are found in public and private water supplies across the U.S. And Canada. We will discuss how each system works on contaminants. Should you suspect levels of contamination in your home water or air supplies, have them tested by an accredited lab.
Radon is a odorless, colorless, water-soluble gas that naturally occurs from the decay of radium. When radon breaks down or "decays," it forms others chemicals. Radon is a well known cancer-causing chemical and all 50 states have tested positive for high levels of this. If your home has granite, volcanic rock or sedimentary rocks containing phosphate products like counter tops, it may be a good idea to have the air quality in your home checked.
The most effective way to remove radon from your water supply is through granular activated carbon using carbon block filters.
Chlorine is a disinfectant used in municipal water plants to kill bacteria. The problem is that when chlorine reacts with organic materials in the water, it creates chloroform and other harmful by-products which have been strongly linked to cancer. Along with drinking this water, our bodies absorb chlorine through the skin when we shower. This is compared to drinking up to ten glasses of tap water in one setting and by using hot water, pores of the skin dilate, allowing chlorine and other free radicals to be absorbed quickly.
The most effective way to remove radon from your water supply is through granular activated carbon using carbon block filters and kinetic degradation fluxion.
Arsenic is a chemical found naturally in rocks and soil and water becomes contaminated when it touches these rocks and soil. At high levels of exposure, arsenic is a well known carcinogen and have been associated with diabetes.
The most effective way to remove mercury from your water supply is through reverse osmosis.
Mercury is considered a heavy metal, like copper, iron and lead and these are dense, metallic elements. The problems that mercury causes are not with water supplies itself because of its low levels, but when certain bacteria transform mercury to methyl mercury, concentrated levels of this chemical come up through the food chain which can cause malformations.
As you can see, filtering water is the safest way to keep harmful contaminants out of the body. Even though our bodies have built-in filtering systems, we're just not made to process these and other toxins without grave consequences. And with the recent devastation in Japan, the world over needs better ways to improve the quality of our water and air supply.